Episode 14: Ulda

After the moon revealed its pale nudity over the sea, the sailors for a moment paused whatever they were doing to stop and look up the celestial body in appreciation. The truth is that during their voyage, they were getting tired of the same pitch dark nights. Except for the tantalizing brevity of the shower … Continue reading Episode 14: Ulda

Episode 12: The Dark Side

"You can't bear all the brunt of responsibility..." She could practically feel his gentle, sunny gaze, but she couldn't really smile back or say anything reassuring as she would like. Except...hope that he'll look at her a bit longer like that. Seeing that didn't really help at all, he folded his legs toward him and … Continue reading Episode 12: The Dark Side

Episode 5: Arrested And Ambushed

*Alert: Author's Note: I took liberty by this fictional, albeit hopeful, detail about the British Slavery Abolition Act happening in 1690ish. In reality, it happened in 1833. It makes me sad to think that it didn't happen earlier. Thank you as always for reading this little story. ============================================================================ Gale reached out his hand, signaling Michaela to … Continue reading Episode 5: Arrested And Ambushed